
ivendPay vending machines will be available for at The Ink Factory, so pay us a visit!

If you are in Lyon, France this weekend be sure to attend the massive The Ink Factory tattoo convention. Guests and participants will find a lot of interesting things and of course ivendPay vending machines, where you can pay with Tattoo Money.

Purchasing items from ivendPay vending machines is easy. Select the product you want to buy, click “pay” and select $TAT2 (or any other listed currency) on the vending machine screen. Then scan the QR code in your mobile wallet and voilà! You don’t need to download or install anything extra. Use crypto in real life! Easy. Safe. Fast.

Be there:
April 22–24, 2022 Lyon, France

Buy $TAT2 and pay with ivendPay


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